Training our dogs isn't just about getting a behavior.
It's teaching foundations and how to use them. It's about understanding your dogs and their motives. It's about knowing how to use what you have learned and practice for real world situations. It's about learning how to communicate with your dog to get the behavior you want to see. With the Good, the Bad, and the Puppy our support doesn't end when the session does.
Clients receive a summary of each session along with step by step instructions for practicing and implementing what was covered.
Regular check ins between sessions can range from email to zoom meetings dependent on needs and clients are guaranteed a response in no longer than 24 hours.
Your dogs have support every step of the way.. Our sessions don't just happen in home and in the classroom. You want your dogs ready for they real world and that's why we offer real world training. Walks in the park, a sit down coffee at the cafe, hiking adventures, and even trips to pet friendly stores are all included in training plans.